Wednesday, July 16, 2008

MBA Usefulness

A letter came in the mail the other day addressed to Bruce. From his parents.

No upcoming birthday. No impending anniversary.

What could it be?

Just a little early congratulations on finishing up his master's degree.

This was in the envelope.

Bruce loves the Dilbert strip by Scott Adams. It's not my favorite. Too often, he'll be chuckling at the breakfast table and I'll ask, "What's so funny?" He'll pass me the latest Dilbert comic, I'll read it, and I'll give a half-hearted little laugh.

Or worse. I'll have to admit I just don't get it. I get the language printed in the little bubbles, but it just doesn't apply to me. Bruce will shrug and say, "It reminds me of someone (or something) at work."

I like this one though. That's funny.


Christina said...

More early congratulations here. Funny cartoon, I don't get most of these either, but this one was pretty self explanatory.

FlipFlop Mom said...

That one is cute and funny!!! but I'm with you on the comics... I have to think a while before I laugh.. LOL LOL