Thursday, September 18, 2008

Everybody's Doing It

I caved to peer pressure. I changed my blog background. No more red, white and blue. Sniff, sniff.

All my bloggy friends are doing it.

Well, okay. All of them aren't. Just some of them are.

And, no, if my friends jumped off a tall building, I wouldn't follow them.

Also, it's not like they really pressured me. No demands to change up the blog... or else meet them in the back alley after church.

The pressure is internal, folks.

I needed a change. And I can't afford new furniture.

This new fall-colored background gives a sense of Autumn without screaming FALL so that I would be committed to changing it again in a few weeks. (I can only take change on an irregular basis.)

I've felt the urge to have a new background for a few weeks now, but I've hesitated.

Mostly because of this:

No more matching signature line. I'm in a quandary.

My friend Nicole did that one for me. And she's good. So good, in fact, that she explained to me exactly how to make one of my own.

But I haven't piddled with it myself yet.

I'm overwhelmed and intimidated by my own name. In color. Designed by me.

I'll get to it eventually.


And if I don't?

It's not like you don't know who writes this gibberish!


~cassie~ said...

Love the new fall look...I have missed reading your insightful writings in blog world...=) Hope all is well...Love ya..

Nicole said...

Love the layout! You can make a isn't hard. If you want me to make one for you it only takes 5 minutes!! I don't mind.

Is my blog too bright????