Thursday, November 19, 2009

Finally... Passing on a Good Trait

I see a lot of myself in our children, but too often it's bad stuff. My temper. Lack of discipline. Indecision.

But sometimes I see a glimpse of something that's actually decent in me hopping a generation into the kids. Tenderheartedness. A willingness to always say "sorry".

And having fun with writing.

All three kids "write books" in their spare time. I have no idea what prompted Clay to start doing that, but Spencer and Allison have copied their big brother. It's neat to see their results, even if it does sometimes get annoying to hear "Mom, how do you spell...?" fifty times within a single hour. (Sometime very soon, I'm going to start giving them the same answer my dad used to give me: "Go look it up in the dictionary!")

Yesterday, Clay brought home from school a story that had our whole family cracking up. I'm going to post the whole thing, exactly how he wrote it. No editing by Mom.

What a meal
by Clay

Everyone in the family agreed not to have turkey this Thanksgiving instead we had a live rooster! It all happened when I woke up the day before Thanksgiving. I saw my mom putting a live rooster in the crock pot, no plucked feathers, and it still had its eye, brain, and intestines. I knew I'd get something wacky if I asked for a rooster, but I did it anyways. I said, "What do you think your doing." She said, "Don't use that tone with me young man. Besides you said you wanted to try rooster." I responded, "I didn't want a live, nonplucked, brain-i-fied rooster." She said, "Oh, but it hearts my heart to see an animal die. And it's gross to pluck the feathers and hard." I said, "Uhh!" I went to school that day and worried so much I got really sweaty and got four F's on a quiz. When I got home it smelled so fowl that as soon as the smell hit my nose I was out. When I came to I was soaked. My mom splashed a bucket of water on me. I said I'm going to bed."

We were of school for Thanksgiving so I fought the smell and played Video Games.

At the Thanksgiving meal I was eating and when the rooster got to me it was black! I took a test bite and...... The next thing I knew I was in the hospitil getting my stomach pumped. Man what a meal!

That kid's got unadulterated talent!

Incidentally, we have no plans to try rooster for Thanksgiving. A turkey has been purchased and is sitting in our freezer... plucked, gutted, de-brain-i-fied and eyeball free.

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