I love the sound of birds singing outside my bedroom windows, especially early in the mornings. I have since I was a kid.
There is such a constancy there. I realize that no matter what goes on in our house in any given day, the birds still sing outside.
Birds singing remind me that God is always God. He doesn't change. Our circumstances might, be He stays the same. I try to think on that every time I'm faced with something that seems insurmountable, hopeless or harder than I want to deal with.
I thought about God's constancy during my ride home from my weekend trip to visit my grandpa in the nursing home a couple weeks ago. That was just hard. And even though it threw me into a mental and emotional tizzy, God was still God. Everything was going to be okay. Different maybe, but okay.
I thought about it this week as I tried to sleep in my bed with Allison next to me. Me and my two younger kids were worn out from the stomach flu. Spencer had gone to his own bed for naptime.
Our neighbor's across the street are having a new roof put on, and the hammering was going full force. I thought, "What are the chances that they'd stop hammering for a few hours if I ask them nicely?" (Chances were good, considering they probably would have fallen off their ladders if I showed up making any request while wearing old pjs I'd had on for nearly 48 hours, with unkempt and unwashed hair. But I was too tired to get out of bed.)
Then Allison reached across the pillows and touched my face. When I looked at her, she said, "Mom, I love hearing the birds sing outside. It's so pretty."
We fell asleep hearing the birds, not the hammers. And we slept long and hard, which was just what we needed. It was a blessing from the Lord.
I love that about God. No matter what goes on in our house on any given day, He's got it all covered. He doesn't change.
"God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?"
-Numbers 23:19
I can honestly relate to your birds. Before I moved I heard some pigones in the morning when I woke up, through out the day and at night.
And for the longest time i had a hard time with moving to Tn but when (Which is rare) I hear the birds sing for a moment everything feels right!
God bless you samore
Praying for Gods sweet blessings upon your family.
I am thankful for the birds, too. For the first day of this season - I saw robins, a grackle, and some kind of a small bird. What a wonderful sign that Spring is on it's way and all this snow is really going to melt.
What a sweet post! Have a blessed day!
Precious words...thanks for sharing....
I smiled when I read this. Michael and I have slept with our windows open in our bedroom the past two nights. This morning while I was making our bed, the birds were singing so cheerfully, the sun was shining and I thought to myself..."What a beautiful sound..what a wonderful way to start this day."
Then I read this post.
Tanja, I love how you compared the birds faithful singing with how our God never changes and his boundless unchanging love!
Once again...Great Post!
It really touched me.
That was very touching! Thanks! I needed that! :)
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Anne :)
Oh so beautiful!
Oh girl this is a good post! I just love birds! I can listen to them anytime and love to hear them outside my window also! I love to see the birds come flying in for the spring! Hope you have a good day! God Bless~
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