Friday, July 4, 2008

Amazing Grace

Happy Fourth of July! I hope you have big plans to celebrate freedom today.

I never experience an Independence Day anymore without being thankful not only for our country's freedom, but also for my personal, spiritual freedom... bought with such a precious price.

Camp on that for a minute. (Beth Moore says that phrase a lot in her DVDs of the "Stepping Up" study. I'm borrowing.)

Moving along now.

Bruce bought me a WOW Hits 2008 CD for Christmas, and I've been skippity-do-daaing my way through all my favorite songs all this time.

But I didn't play the whole thing through for the longest time. What a loss for me.

Because the other day, I let the whole thing play and came across this gem, "Still Calls me Son." It's by John Waller, who I'd never heard of before.

I identify with these words so much. The things I've done and the places I've been...

This song just made something hit me: I'm the prodigal son (daughter, whatever). And even though I belong to Christ now, I still disgrace Him. Constantly.

God's forgiveness and mercy is amazing.

I love the part about our Father running to us, kissing our faces and putting his robe of righteousness on us.

I've played this song over and over so much the kids are getting tired of it. Still, the song just hasn't gotten old for me. I'm touched every time, and I usually end up crying.

Has anybody else out there noticed that you just cry so much more after becoming a Christian? I've wondered about that for years. I think it's just the process God has of softening our stone-cold hearts with His presence.

"'I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.'"
2 Corinthians 6:18


Addicted to Beadz said...


I came over here to tell you that I was catching up last night on reading some blogs. I read your favorite posts (and stayed up entired TOO LATE!) But you had me cracking up, sister.

Also, did you ask me once before about living in Oklahoma? Someone did and then last night I saw when you were growing up you lived in Oklahoma for a while.

That is where I was born, raised and still here.

Isn't it funny how so many Christian bloggers have similarities in where they are from to trials and experiences.

Okay, its late again and I have to get up early again tomorrow.

Have a great weekend.

Christina said...

I have this song on CD and you are right, it is a very emotional song. One we all need to hear. It tells of the scope of our Father's love.

KC said...

Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July.