Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thankful Thursday - Fourteen Years

Today I'm thankful for 14 years of marriage with my husband. We were married on July 30, 1994.

We've had great times together and some not great times, too. To celebrate our anniversary, we've planned some great times this weekend.

My in-laws are keeping our children while Bruce and I go camping.

Yes, camping.

I told someone that yesterday and she said, "Camping? You should be heading to a spa!" I laughed out loud. You will, too, if you know Bruce. Or me. There's no way we're spa people.

While we're gone, we're going to go see a Southern Living Idea House. I've always wanted to see one, but there's never been time or they've all been too far away.

And we're going to a huge RV dealership so we can dream about our future camper. The one we have is really great; it's been a blessing to our family for the last year. But as our kids get older, we have some different ideas about what will work better for us. The last time we were on the hunt for a camper, we spent two years investigating. This is our first step on a years-long process. (When it comes to money amounting to over $50, we never do anything without LOTS of research. Dave Ramsey starts talking in our heads if we even consider it.)

I'm thankful I have this weekend to look forward to.

Sometimes, in the daily hustle-bustle, Bruce and I operate in different realms, it seems. We need these times away to re-connect.

We talk. A lot. Without interruption.

We hike. A lot. To places we aren't yet sure if our kids could muster. (Sometimes I'll even break a sweat. Horrors!)

We eat out. Not too often, but enough that I'm not constantly planning the next meal, like at home.

That first and last one probably mean way more to me than they do to Bruce.

But the best part is that we feel like we're dating again.

Sometimes a few butterflies still make their presence known.

And that's worth the price of gas, even these days.


Kristi said...

Happy Anniversary to you! Have a blast this weekend on your camping adventure.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to you two! Sounds wonderful just getting away and being alone. I love the red, white and blue design of your blog!

Denise said...

Happy Anniversary sweetie, enjoy your time away.

Nicole said...

AWESOME!!! I wonder if I can keep from killing Duffer to make it 8 more years??? ;-)

Have a fantabolus time this weekend...after having 4 kids all week a childless getaway would be WONDERFUL!!!!!

~cassie~ said...

Hope you guys have a great weekend...Sounds like you will....

Melanie said...

Happy Anniversary! I hope you have a wonderful time camping. I, too, love that feeling like we had when we were first dating! :)

Pierce Family Happenings said...

Happy Anniversary! :) That was so sweet! I am not a "camping gal" and you made it sound very appealing even to this anti-nature girl. :) Hope you enjoy your time together!

Darlene said...

Happy Anniversay!! Have a great time!

Anonymous said...

What a fun list --and a very cute blog!

Nancie said...

Happy Anniversary to you! Thank God for blessing you with such a wonderful husband. May both of you have a blessed time during camping. Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us. Take care and God bless!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!
I love ya girl and I hope that you have a great weekend because you deserve it girl!!

Jerica Smith said...

Awesome weekend for you guys!! Happy Anniversary! I hope that you all have an awesome time together-14 years? How does the time fly by like that?! Enjoy each other!!