Thursday, July 17, 2008

Prayers for a Baby

Could you please stop what you are doing right now and say a prayer for a blog friend of mine?

I met Jodi while surfing sites. She and her husband Mike are really still newlyweds in my book, although they are coming up on their second anniversary.

Jodi started her blog as an effort to let off some steam about their inability to conceive. I read every word like it could have been mine, and I remembered that feeling of hopelessness and lack of understanding from back when Bruce and I thought we'd never have babies.

Miss Jodi is now several weeks pregnant following an in vitro procedure. They are so excited.

But they've received some scary and possible bad news with the latest round of tests, and I received an e-mail from her this morning. There is a chance of a defect. But because of some medical problems going on with Jodi, they can't even test the baby (they're calling her a "she") for certain.

I am not sure of this family's walk with Christ. I just know Jodi asked for prayer, specifically that her condition will resolve itself because it puts their baby at risk for suffocation.

I'm passing this on to you prayer warriors out there. Will you join me?

I'm not attaching a link to Jodi's blog because I know originally she had the impression that very few people were reading it, and that gave her a sense of release to put her feelings out there more plainly. But you don't need to know any more about her to pray for her.

God knows the details. He'll fill in the blanks.


Marie Stork said...

From a blog friend--I will pray for them. Father God..we life them up in prayer and trust that your divine will is made known. Heal and protect where you see fit.

FlipFlop Mom said...

Of course... Prayers are being sent up... Hugs and Love to her!! You're a sweet dear friend!!

i_am_4given said...

I am sorry if I am posting this again, but I am not sure if you received the first on, but if you did, you can just delete it. Sorry for the extra work.

I am praying for Jodi, I know it must be a scary time for her...

But I would like to ask you to please come over to my blog, because there is something for you. I know Terri (flipflop mom) and she sent me your blog link.


Pierce Family Happenings said...

Praying for your sweet friend and precious baby! Praying for a miracle-Keep us updated...thanks Tanja!