A much-hated nickname from kindergarten becomes an aid in teaching how to pronounce my name
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
WFW - Mountains
The first part of these verses I'd heard and read many times. But during the Beth Moore study "Stepping Up" that we went through this summer at my church, I read the latter part.
He works in me to keep me from slipping up. He's always alert on my behalf.
That's security, indeed! God is speaking to me this morning through these posts. I can almost string them together and listen to the message He is telling me. God bless you for being His instrument in posting such a beautiful pic and verse!
Made me think of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus was so disappointed that the apostles had fallen asleep. It is so comforting to know Jesus and God take better care of us.
Thank God that He is our help and we can look to Him daily. Thank God for keeping us through all the changing scenes in life! Beautiful picture and very encouraging verses. Thank you for sharing. Blessed WFW!
"Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
-- Cyril Connolly
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."
-- Zig Ziglar
"There was a significant difference between thinking and writing. Writing wasn't just the translation of interesting ideas to paper. It was its own kind of thinking, which seemed to kick in only when the pen made contact with the page, or her fingers touched the keyboard."
-- Ted Dekker The Bride Collector
"In adversity our intellectual knowledge becomes actual knowledge. ... Adversity is the testing ground of our faith. ... Anyone can believe and sing praises on the Temple Mount when the sun is shining, but true praise is sung in the darkest valley when the Accuser tells you to curse God for making you suffer so much pain. If you can still praise your Father's goodness, even in the darkness, then you are His son indeed."
Praise God for His blessed security. Thank you for this sweetie.
Indeed, security we have in Christ! Happy WFW!
Great, uplifting verse and beautiful photo!
I'm singing that Casting Crowns song now. Beautiful WFW!
And what a fabulous encouragement that is. Blessings...
Great verse and picture! I love your site...your graphics are adorable. God bless!
That's security, indeed! God is speaking to me this morning through these posts. I can almost string them together and listen to the message He is telling me. God bless you for being His instrument in posting such a beautiful pic and verse!
Great, great scripture. What a beautiful promise. (Lovely photo, too!)
you know i never get tired of reading this verse. It's such a thought provoking security!
I love that you shared this verse today. One of my favorites and I think the last part of it is just the best!
Happy WFW!
Made me think of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus was so disappointed that the apostles had fallen asleep. It is so comforting to know Jesus and God take better care of us.
Thanks for sharing this and having us focus on the latter for He is our only security. thanks
Thank God that He is our help and we can look to Him daily. Thank God for keeping us through all the changing scenes in life! Beautiful picture and very encouraging verses. Thank you for sharing. Blessed WFW!
I enjoyed your post. Thanks for sharing.
That is a great scripture and photo. Indeed, what security.
Thanks for sharing!
I am so thankful God does not sleep or slumber. Thank you
Great verse. I was humming while reading this.
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