Wednesday, July 9, 2008

WFW - sunset

Bruce took this picture while we were on vacation last week. But the verse has been "mine" from early on in my walk with Jesus.

It's the first verse I ever underlined in my Bible. I've needed to remind myself of it often in the ensuing years.

For more Word-Filled Wednesday pictures, go visit The 160 Acre Woods.


Denise said...

Such a lovely picture and verse.

Tracy said...

Boy that is something I need to remind myself of on a continuing basis! Thank you for sharing this today. (What a lovely, lovely photo!)


Leaon Mary said...

That verse is underlined in my bible too! I can just STAY in this verse for thee longest time. It just melts me.
Much love,

Melanie said...

Oh, wow.. Tanja! This verse is great and is wonderful with the beautiful picture.

Happy WFW!

Kristi said...

Oooh, so beautiful. It also reminds me that His thoughts toward us, were we to count them, would outnumber the grains of sand. Blessings to you today!

~cassie~ said...

Awesome photo...and the verse just tops it off...I love it...

Anonymous said...

what a gorgeous picture!
and the verse is a wonderful one!

Nancie said...

Lovely picture and very encouraging verses! They are great comfort to me to remember God's sovereignty. Thank God that He loves us and is in control of all things. Thanks for sharing! Have a blessed day!