Wednesday, July 23, 2008

"You Are So Cool"

Today, like each day this week, as I've picked up Clay from basketball camp at our church, I've picked up his buddy Nathan, too.

Afterwards, we planned to meet Nathan's mom Valerie and his sister Jordan at McDonald's for some kid play time and mommy talk time.

I just had to share the conversation I heard between all the kids in the van on the way to McD's. Keep in mind that Spencer and Allison are five, while Clay and Nathan are eight.

Allison: Nathan, you are so cool.

Nathan: That's what everyone says whenever I wear this shirt.

A side note here. Nathan was wearing his Upwards basketball jersey over a t-shirt.

Spencer: No, you aren't just cool because of that shirt. You'd be cool even if you were sleeping. In your underwear.

I piped in right about here.

Mom: Well, now, we don't know what Nathan wears when he sleeps.

Nathan: Oh, I just wear whatever clothes I wore that day. I don't put my pj's on.

Clay: Well, that will save your mom on laundry.

I told Valerie about their talk, and we just cracked up.

Kids say the funniest stuff.


FlipFlop Mom said...

HA HA HA that was GREAT!!!!!!

~cassie~ said...
