Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thankful Thursday - Friends Who Pray

I've mentioned before that I accepted a new role in Bible Study Fellowship this year.

I've been in BSF four previous years, but this is my first year as a discussion leader. It's a big responsibility. A huge time commitment. A bit overwhelming.

Well, actually, it's a lot overwhelming.

Still, I prayed about it and was assured of God's leading and timing in it. So for the last month, I've been preparing, both on my own and in leader's training with other BSFers.

Wednesday was our first day back. I was nervous. But it went so smoothly, and I know it was the Lord doing His thing and not me doing mine.

I'm so thankful for four special women who I specifically asked to pray for me. For peace. For managing my time well at home and during the leading of our discussion group. And even for a good sale, because I need to be a bit dressier than my stay-at-home mom attire accommodates.

I thought of mentioning it to my entire Sunday school class as a prayer request, but God worked it out that I only felt nudged to share it with these special ladies:

Maryiln, who was a previous teacher's leader at BSF until she retired before last year's study. She also attends my church, and she is a spiritual power house. I'd love to just sit and have lunch with her every day for a year so I can learn from her and hear what God has done in her life. She knows her Bible, but she's a humble servant in all she does.

Jennifer, who is my neighbor and a fellow stay-at-home mother. She and I can talk for hours and still have more to cover before we feel guilty and move on with our tasks for the day. We hash about everything from yard sale details to our faith and from teachers at our kids' elementary school to Sarah Palin. We joke that one day we'll solve the world's problems with our deep talks.

Shelly, who was my discussion leader in BSF a few years ago, and is in my discussion group this year. A little role reversal. She is an inspiration to me in walking with that peace that passes all understanding, because she's mom to two, including a daughter with aplastic anemia. Ever heard the song by Casting Crowns called Praise You in the Storm? That's Shelly in a nutshell.

Kim, who is the friend I've had longest since we moved here eight years ago. She's a person who I can vent with. We've shared deep stuff. Heartaches, joys, frustrations, fears, and praises. She was the person who encouraged me the most to take on this new role. And she even called me early Wednesday morning to give me my own little pep talk.

I don't talk to these ladies every day. Who has time for that?

I might talk to them once a week or only three times a year. But God has blessed me with their friendship and mentoring.

In college, at the Baptist Student Union, someone coined a phrase for women like these.


Strong Woman of God.

The kind of women we all need praying for us. Is it a coincidence that each of these women is, or was at one time, a fellow BSFer? I don't think so.

God is so good to me.


Unknown said...


Wow, my list this week is also about Bible Study.

I read you praises and felt like I was in your kitchen with all your friends. What a neat place to be. God bless you as you lead. You will find that God blesses you the most through this. Have a wonderful TT.

Denise said...

Praise God for precious prayer warriors.

Anonymous said...

there's power in prayer.

be blessed!

i said...

God is so good! Thank you for sharing your thankful heart. Happy TT and God bless!

Debra Kaye said...

I thank the dear Lord for those who lifted me up in prayer when I needed it most. How I love them!

What a beautiful post!

Christina said...

This sounds like a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. I will pray that your group is blessed.

Bogie said...

Prayer is always the key to everything. Happy TT. God Bless you!

Melanie said...

Tanja, What special friends you have to pray for you and encourage you. God has blessed you greatly!

Happy Thankful Thursday!

Addicted to Beadz said...

Isn't it great to have people praying for you?

What a great post. Thanks for sharing!
