Friday, March 6, 2009

Basketball In a Nutshell

The kids' season of Upwards basketball ended last Saturday. I haven't posted any pictures of basketball until now.

Here are several of my favorites.

This last one of Clay was taken late in the season. I think their last game. At half time, the puppet team from our church entertained the players. What cracks me up here, is that everyone else is looking off to the left, but Clay is still looking directly at the puppets to the right.

This was Spencer's first year to play Upwards basketball. And this sport was a huge hit with our second son. Finally, a setting in which he can burn off nearly all of his energy.

The little cutie sitting with Spencer below is our neighbor, Braeden. He and Spencer have become big buds in the last couple of months. It was wonderful that they were on the same team.

This shot was taken during one of the two games that Spencer and Allison played against each other. Spencer is trying to block Allison.

I didn't think to ask them to place our younger two on the same team at the beginning of the season, but it worked out great anyway. They both got to shine apart from one another.

This was Allison's first time to play basketball as well. Up until the very last minute of sign-up time, she switched back and forth between wanting to cheer and wanting to play. I'm so glad she decided to play. She can always cheer for football, but play basketball. Best of both worlds!

Allison is a worrywart on the court. If she messed up, she constantly did this:

And how could she play ball at her best, after all, when she had to contend with hair static?

The next two crack me up. Allison was passing to her sweet friend Jordan. Their faces are priceless.

We sign them up for spring soccer soon. But for the next two Saturdays, Bruce and I are sleeping in!

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