Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Back for a Bit

I've been on a technology hiatus. No real reason. I didn't make the conscious decision to take a break, but every time I sat down in front of the computer, I just didn't feel like taking the time to post on the blog. And I haven't been chained to Facebook lately either.

I have a bunch of pictures from the summer to post, but no time right now.

First, an update off of my last post. My medical tests came back normal. So, for now, I'm still off the medication I mentioned. I'll go back for blood work in a few months and see if everything continues as it should be instead of all whacked.

Second, Clay has started playing football, but I'm not sure if it's a going to be a lasting thing. He loved all the equipment once he brought it home. He had Spencer and Allison smacking all over him. "Go ahead. It won't hurt me a bit."

I think he enjoys the practices, too, with all the other guys. But I don't see his heart in this sport.

We don't typically let him quit something once he starts, but we'll probably make an exception this time. Especially since the team is practicing for another month before the first game. That and the fact that I resent the intrusion into our family life... practices four nights a week, for two hours, right when we normally sit down to supper.

I know some families are big time sports nuts. And for them, it works somehow. But we are not, and it doesn't.

I want my kids to play sports for fun and fitness and to learn a sense of sportsmanship. Beyond that, family time is more crucial. And I'm a huge proponent for family dinners together. Even if dinner is just sandwiches.

Stuff came to a head last night with Clay and we had to have a talk with him. He's giving it until the end of this week and then he has to make up his mind. Keep playing or quit. But if he quits, he has to tell the coach. We won't do it for him.

We'll see how it all plays out.

But for now it's time for an early dinner, without my husband, so that I can rush Clay out the door for practice. For two hours. In an area with no playground for the younger two to play at.

It'll be fun.

Sure it will.

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