We went camping in early July in Crossville. It was a trip made for dual purposes - for my family to have a getaway and to spend some time with my grandpa in Cookeville, which is about a 30 minute drive from Crossville.
Last time we camped in Crossville, we stayed at Deer Run RV Resort, but it was booked solid for the weekend we planned to go. During this trip, we stayed at the Beanpot Campground, mostly because my kids love eating at The Bean Pot restaurant.
Considering that we spent one entire day of the weekend visiting with grandpa, we still did plenty around the campground and Crossville.
It only took a little foosball playing at the clubhouse to remember that I stink at that game. Allison isn't much better. And the boys didn't even care about how good or bad they were, as long as a ball was flying.

A little time on the playground.

Then we went to a tree house. But not just your average wooden structure like what you see in the backyard's of many families with children. This tree house was more like a wooden mini skyscraper and looked a bit like it was built by artist M.C. Escher. My apologies to Escher, though, because based on what I was told at the tree house, this structure was built without a level or a measuring tape. I'm not sure how true that is, but I'm doubtful that any great engineering mathematics went into the construction.

From the very top, if you looked toward an adjoining field, you could see this:

The whole tree house was very creative. There was a room that looked like a rustic sanctuary, a small room with a real toilet in it (sans actual plumbing), and on one balcony area there was even a bathtub, maybe to simulate a redneck hot tub effect.
Clay told Allison to sit in the tub so Bruce could get a picture, but she was having none of that because the tub was pretty dirty. I was up for it though. (Seriously, we were camping. None of us are out our cleanest state while camping except for after our nightly baths while we sleep.) I'm not showing the picture, because I look like an idiot. I only mention it because right after Bruce clicked the picture, I hopped up and did what I should have done before I laid in that tub. I made a closer inspection of what was in there. And I wished I'd done it beforehand or not at all. I'm okay with sitting in dirt, but there were some huge, dead and dried spiders in there that I'd have preferred not to wallow in. Somewhere deep within my mental vault, a timer started... counting down how long it was going to be until my next shower.
The kids and I climbed back down the rickety, sometimes steep, stairs and found a swing that was several stories high. Bruce took this picture from his perch up high. I like it because Spencer is blurred, which is pretty much how he whizzes through life.

Bruce came down and enjoyed a turn on the swing, but when Spencer gave Bruce a push, he hung on to the bottom of the swing. I wish this was a better picture, but I was working with Bruce's beefy camera and was lucky to get anything in focus!

Stay tuned for more posting some other day.
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