School was cancelled today. Again. For the third straight day. After two whole weeks of Christmas vacation.
I'm convinced that there will be no school again tomorrow. And it has nothing to do with the weather forecast.
I think God's teaching me something.
Patience? I doubt it.
Loving through all circumstances? Nah. It isn't that. I love the little boogers in all circumstances. I just don't always like them. (Call me a bad mom all you want. I'm just being honest. You can lie if you want to. I won't call you a bad parent.)
Oh, I know. I know!
Maybe He's teaching me not to hold too tightly to worldly things... like sanity.
It's okay. I'll be talking to Him about it some more again later. Just in case I'm wrong.
Today's boredom buster was much more creative than yesterday's attempt to reenact Noah's flood inside our home.
I have often said that what Spencer can do with paper, tape and scissors is simply amazing.
In honor of the fact that he just can't let go of his Christmas spirit (probably because he's still technically on Christmas break for the third week in a row!), Spencer constructed this little beauty...
Santa's sled!
I love the Wal-mart bag that he colored red with a marker. It probably would have been simpler if he'd used a bag from Target, but I'm not sure Santa should be flying the unfriendly skies of today's world with a giant red target painted on the back of his sled.
I think Spencer does fine work. Might look good on a resume one day when he applies for an engineering job with Honda. Maybe he could continue to hook me up with one Honda after another.
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