Monday, March 22, 2010


So, I was freaking out a little bit.

After school today, I had Allison unload the dishwasher while Spencer vacuumed the kitchen floor. Then at supper time, Bruce pulled a bowl out of the cabinet and... well, it was obviously dirty. Yuck!

Upon further inspection, several utensils were pulled out of their drawer... nasty.

What's up with that? I know I ran the dishwasher. And the ick on those dishes would have come off in there. So, after reloading the dishwasher with dirty/clean dishes and their close neighbors (because funk spreads!), I came to the conclusion that Allison must have gotten carried away and put dishes away that were left on the counter after snack time.

Mystery solved.

But the power of suggestion runs strong. And I have a healthy dose of hypochondria inside me, passed down from my paternal grandmother. I think it's genetic.

After supper, my throat started hurting. Just a little bit. Probably sinus issues brought on by allergy issues.

But... what if those kids have been putting up dirty dishes for some time now? What if today wasn't a fluke?

You know, strep is making a comeback at the local elementary school.


Just checking.

Yeah. It still hurt to swallow.

Probably a little bit more than it did the last time I swallowed.

"My throat hurts," I said out loud.

"What?! What do you mean 'your throat hurts'?" Clay asked.

"Well, my throat hurts. Like 'strep throat' hurt. That kind of hurt," I replied.

"How can that be?" he questioned. "Your immunity should be at its highest."

"Really? What does this kid know?" I thought.

Because even though I've been taking my multi vitamin and my calcium supplements, I haven't been drinking orange juice lately to really douse my system with extra vitamin C, which I've heard wards off all kinds of sickly bugs.

And I've had some sporadic sleep recently.

Plus some stress because of my grandpa's health issues.

And even though I started a training program last week to run a 5K by the end of May, I also ate at Chick-fil-A three times within six days, two times within a 24-hour period, because I was visiting my grandpa in Cookeville. And I always eat at the Cookeville Chick-fil-A. It's a family tradition. Kind of. (Well, it could be if we wanted it to be.)

But, you know, Clay reads stuff. He knows some interesting (sometimes boring) little tidbits.

Hmmm... I'll bite...

"Why is my immunity at its highest?" I asked my brain child.

"Because, you're 40," he said. "And you've been building it up for all those years."

And then he tacked on this...

"It's all down hill from here."

I hee-hawed.

Because laughter is the best medicine and I needed to do something quick!

I feel much better now.

But just in case, I'm going to have some hot peppermint tea. That always helps my sore throats.

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