She said some awfully nice things, too. (I did pay her $10 cash yesterday, so perhaps that is why.) Here's what she said:
"this person is one amazing writer....She could write much more than blog entries.....I absolutely love to read her posts...I laugh out loud when I am reading, and I know that I am not the only mom in the world that is attempting to raise christian kids in an ungodly world.....A perfect example of a wonderful mom, wife, and 'teacher' when the need arises..."
Well, I'm floored. To think someone thinks I'm any kind of positive example is what's really amazing.
In the comment section of her blog, I wrote the following:
"Oh, Cassie, what are you doing? I got weepy reading that because most days I feel like the biggest failure as a mom, wife, Christian, etc. You see? I even typed that down in the wrong priority order. The Lord knows He's working with one imperfect vessel here. It's good to know in the midst of all my mess-ups, though, that someone sees a little of Jesus shining through."
You should know that Cassie and I have a mutual unspoken agreement to be one of each other's biggest fans. And not the creepy, Kathy Bates in Misery, "I'm your number one fan" kind of thing.
Cassie likes the way I write. I like her creativity... and occasionally I'm jealous of her OCD tendencies because I know her house is cleaner than mine because of it.
Thanks again, Cassie.
Anytime =) I smiled the whole time I read this post....I must not have been the only one that felt this way...because there are lots of comments on that post...Be sure to check them out...You are already a famous author in my book! Can't wait to read the first book!!!=)
You so deserve the award. I love reading your blog.
Yes, my dear, you deserve it. You are quite the ink slinger if I do say so myself. And, I do. ;) Job well done, my online friend, job well done.
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