Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Tonight is the night of our Financial Peace University class. Last night Bruce and I watched the video that everyone else will watch this evening. It's starting to get more intensive.

Bruce and I have loosely followed these principles since we married.

This has not been an easy process. Especially when we lived in Texas and we both worked professional jobs that paid well. (Our neighbor there once told us we were DINKS. We had to ask what he meant. Dual Income, No Kids.) I cannot tell you how many times Bruce chewed me out for going out to eat lunch with coworkers instead of eating my brown bag special from home. C'mon! When has a cold ham sandwich in a ziploc ever tasted better than chicken fettucine alfredo at a restaurant?

Still, there have been tremendous blessings because of Bruce's stick-to-it attitude in finances (I don't get as much credit here, because I went along for the ride a bit grudgingly). If we hadn't from day one lived only on one paycheck, I'd never have been able to stay home with the kids these last almost eight years. If we hadn't started college funds shortly after the three kids were born, those accounts would be non-existent today.

We have an emergency fund. It's not where it should be, but it offered us peace during the two years when Bruce's job situation was unstable and folks were getting laid off left and right. That storm has passed, and we weathered it better mentally and emotionally than we would have if that account hadn't been there.

Even so, we knew going into this class that we had a lot to learn. That became even more apparent to me last night as we watched the video.

Dave Ramsey talks on the DVD about the envelope system. I've never been a fan of this idea. I know people who do it, though, and it works.

I got a little pumped up last night, and blurted out to Bruce, "I think I'd like to give that a try". This is a big step for me, and I'm not sure how it will work out. Painfully, for me, I'm sure.

First, I do not like carrying cash. When we were newlyweds it was because I wasn't sure that I could be disciplined enough not to spend cash somewhere other than where it was intended to go. And the possibility of losing more cash that five bucks makes me ill. Now, though, my main objection is because I feel safer with a debit card than cash... you know, in case I'm mugged. Because that's so likely to happen. (Bruce will roll his eyes when he reads this. You can feel free to join him. I'm simply sharing thoughts.)

Second, the thing about shopping with cash is the whole limit thing. I don't limit what I purchase on groceries when I use the debit card. Which is the whole problem. (Now wait a minute! This is my blog entry. I don't know how Bruce's thoughts just jumped in there. I wish he'd quit that! It's very annoying.)

Last night we "discussed" different options on how we might make this system work to our advantage with grocery shopping. I didn't like anything Bruce suggested. Surprise, surprise!

I'm sure that in the next week, after Bruce's payday, when I am standing befuddled in Walmart, I'll really regret opening my mouth about trying this envelope thing. (All you prospective muggers out there... don't get any ideas. It often takes me a while to work up the gumption to try something new. I may flake on this whole thing and still have only the plastic!)

But... maybe, just maybe, it'll work.

Which would be great, considering that I can then apply any money saved toward paying our pediatrician.

I am taking Clay to the doctor after all. Yesterday afternoon he complained about an ear ache. Hmmm. Another new symptom. In the last week, he's shown every symptom possible short of body parts falling off (We're pretty certain that he doesn't have leprosy). It's still probably nothing but a virus, but this has gone on long enough without any idea of what it might be.

I had a much overdue hair appointment last night. Got a trim and a new perm. Bruce likes it, so I think all is well in the universe. (And it really is. Because if we were mad at each other right now, I wouldn't care if he liked it or not. I get like that sometimes.)

1 comment:

~cassie~ said...

I can't wait until tonight's class. James and I have honestly gotten along so well since we have started this class together...We have been doing so much better talking things out, and not "wasting" money...on eating out especially!!! I told James, not only is this going to help us out financially...but I think it is helping with this weight loss issue of mine!!! See you tonight!