But our real Valentine's treat fell on the correct day when Spencer and Allison got baptized last night.
Spencer has probably not let a full week go by since he asked Jesus into his heart back in November without asking, "When can I be baptized?"
We were working our way through this neat magazine that we got from the children's minister at church, so we had a tentative date in mind for Spencer's baptism.
But then Allison started asking questions about Jesus and his sacrifice and sin and heaven. Before we knew it, she asked Jesus into her heart in December.
So we pushed the PAUSE button on Spencer while catching Allison up in the booklet.
I would not have picked the timing this way, necessarily. You know, no matter how many times I repeat the phrases, "Life's not fair; get used to it" to my kids, I still try to make things "fair". It's just proof that I don't even get close to perfect parenting.
My thoughts would have been for Spencer to have his special day. And for Allison to continue on her slower pace until she was fully ready, and then she'd have her special day.
But my thoughts are not God's thoughts, nor my ways His ways. Thankfully.
He knew before those critters were born that Spencer and his boldness would lead the way in Allison's curiosity taking full shape. They've both been exposed to the same amount of church, Sunday school, Bible Study Fellowship and Vacation Bible school. But they are not the same children, even if they are twins. Rooming together for their first nine months of life is pretty much where their personal similarities end.
Yesterday at breakfast while Bruce prayed about their upcoming baptisms that night, I peeked. (Real moms peek while praying with children. Especially moms of boys. It's necessary. And that's all I'm going to say about that.) Because I peeked, I got the sweetest blessing of seeing Spencer and Allison's personalities perfectly displayed.
Bruce was waxing eloquently in his prayer. Both kids had their eyes shut, amazingly! Allison's hugely smiling face was lifted up toward heaven, like she was beaming at God. Spencer's head was bowed, but his right arm was lifted up toward heaven... and his hand was making the "rock on" sign.
Yep, those are my twins! Thank you, Jesus!
After morning church services, and lunch, Spencer was immediately ready to turn around and head back to church.
"I'm ready to be baptized... now!" he said at least once an hour until we were finally ready to return to church for evening services. But first, a picture for mom.
Once we were there, a couple from church walked us through the process. And the education minister talked with Spencer and Allison about baptism. Then the kids got changed into these nifty, green jumper shorts things.
They were ready. I did my best to keep them quiet while listening to the beginning of the worship service, hoping that any exuberance on their part wouldn't be too loud.
The lady helping us actually asked at one point which one of them was more hyper. I don't think anyone has ever asked me that before. Spencer generally wins that title hands-down. I finally just told them to sit until it was time.
See that? Role reversal!
And then it was time.
Ladies first.
And then our little gentleman.
I just realized they both did the same thing with their hands when they were nervous, right before being immersed.
Both kids were excited about the candles they'd be given. Even thought we're new at this church, they've seen enough baptisms now to understand the meaning.
We're lights for Jesus in this dark world. And they were waiting for their charge to "go light your world".
I'm sure this was the best Valentine's Day ever.
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