Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Giggle

Lately, Clay has been perusing a book my mom brought over with her during her last visit. It's a Bob the Builder German-English picture book.

He was just sitting next to me, trying his darndest to read the German words with no help whatsoever. But I couldn't take it long, so I pitched in with correct pronunciations.

He was working on numbers. One through ten. Eins, zwei, drei, vier, funf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, zehn.

The problem? Number six in German is pronounced kind of like "sex" in English.

He just tossed me a little giggle when I got to "sechs". The giggle that confirms that he definitely knows there's something up with that word. It was a sweet, innocent little giggle.

I'm not overly surprised. He started asking questions about how babies are made when he was three. I got some great books recommended by Focus on the Family that are a series to be read to kids at different age ranges. There are four books, but I have only the first two because my kids aren't the right age yet for books three or four.

It has been a good year and a half since I read book two with Clay. It's written very matter of fact, uses correct terminology, and it's biblical. I love it. But I squirmed. I don't think he noticed.

He has said other things in the last couple months that make me realize it's time to re-read the book together again. But those comments are not to be shared here. They've been passed on to Bruce, and then catalogued in my heart.

But here I will share a few books in my arsenal for teaching my kids about the birds and the bees.

--The Story of Me (God's Design for Sex, Book 1) by Stan and Brenna Jones. Ages 3-5.

--Before I Was Born (God's Design for Sex, Book 2) by Carolyn Nystrom. Ages 5-8.

And looking further ahead.

--A Chicken's Guide to Talking Turkey With Your Kids About Sex, by Kevin Leman.

And as I pulled these books out to jot their titles here, Clay grabbed the first one in the God's Design series. He's an advanced reader, so I let him have at it.

Bruce just came home from leading the Financial Peace class. I stayed home to let the kids have a bit more time to recuperate from their recent bouts with illnesses (Clay has an ear infection, by the way). So Bruce was catching me up on who was there for childcare and such, and Clay almost shouts the following:

"Huh? I didn't know all babies were born in Virginia. It says here that babies come from Virginia."

Do I need to say more?


~cassie~ said...

I am laughing out loud....We have been having "those" discussions at the Allen household as well...as of late....I will be sure to check the books out that you listed....

Kristie said...

I am cracking up. I am so going to order those books. I will be prepared when Tariq asks! ACCCK! I don't know if I can handle it!

eph2810 said...

Oh dear - that is cute...I think it is awesome that you have prepared yourself about the 'talk' with your children. I am glad that you have such books available to you.

Blessings to you and yours.

Kristie said...

I had to come back and read this again... I am going to order those books! FYI... LOved the you tube video you sent me! Absolutely hilarious!