Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Homebound (Again? Still?)

It's a bright, beautiful day outside. Roads are clear. Grass is peeping through a light dusting of snow in the yard.

And school is cancelled again.

I joked with Bruce yesterday that we should consider moving within the city limits so our kids would actually be in school on light snow days. I was only a little bit joking.

I get frustrated when school is cancelled so much. Partly because it messes with whatever plans I have for the day. Selfish, I know. But also partly because it messes with the end of the school year calendar, and I don't like change. Selfish again. Sue me!

However, today I'm counting as a freebie. The last day Clay went to school was Wednesday. Inside his folder are two doctor's notes: one written last Thursday excusing him for missing Thursday and Friday for strep; one written yesterday excusing him for missing Monday and today for "viral illness/fever".

He was staying home today regardless of weather. But this way he doesn't have an absence counted against him.

He's already maxed out his seven days of absences for the year. I'm not overly concerned about that though. I've picked up his school work for each day he's missed and he's caught up, except for whatever tests he's missed.

We found out at yesterday's doctor visit that Clay is allergic to apples and tomatoes. Raw, though. Not cooked. He can do applesauce and tomato paste and sauce. For now anyway.

Apples and tomatoes are the two produce items that I keep stocked most regularly. And Clay has been eating an apple for his afternoon snack for years now. Guess we'll be switching to grapes. Or maybe carrots.

I'm ready for a healthy household again. I'm ready for a regular schedule again.

So ready.

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