Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Thanks a lot, Sir Mix-a-Lot!

I've wondered if I should blog this at all. Because it may be offensive to some people.

But I've decided to throw caution to the wind. Because my family, and Bruce's family, will think this is hysterical. And I think it's my duty as the mom to my parents' grandkids to share the off humor that is distinctly my children's.

The other night as we were tucking the kids in, Bruce had his turn in Clay's room. When we were both downstairs alone, he told me this little story.

Clay said to Bruce, "Dad, can I tell you something?"

Bruce said yes. And, with a very goofy grin on his face, Clay said, "I like big butts. And I cannot lie."

Being a former fan of the rap genre, my husband was immediately familiar with the song from whence those words came - Sir Mix-A-Lot's Baby Got Back. But considering that until recently, my children weren't even allowed to say the word "butt", Bruce needed to probe our oldest son's new-found fascination with large, um, bottoms. So he asked Clay if he knew what the words meant.

Clay said, "No. I just heard some kids on the bus saying it."

Right there is my reason for driving them to school each morning and only allowing them to ride the bus home instead of both ways. I may have to reconsider even that bit.

Bruce told Clay the words came from a song. Okay, so far. But then he added, "As a matter of fact, I have that song recorded and I can let you listen to it sometime. But your mom will probably get me for it."

I told Bruce that he might want to clue Clay in, at some point, to the sexual undertones to the song. As a cautionary tale. But maybe it's best left unsaid.

All that happened a few nights ago. Today is my father-in-law's birthday so we drove over to wish him a happy birthday, and Bruce recounted the story for his parents. So it was fresh on our minds.

We drove from their house to the church gym for basketball practice. And on the way home, for some reason, I mentioned butts. Clay giggled. And then started singing, "I like big butts and I cannot lie."

Evidently, the other two had heard the same song on the bus. So much for sheltering them just a bit longer.

(This next bit may be one of those times when something is riotously funny... when you're there. But not so much if you just hear about it.)

Anyway, all the kids were having a free-for-all on the word "butt" and singing it to whatever tune entered their minds.

And then Spencer starts, "Big butts, big butts, go big butts. Why don't you let me see yo' big butt."

And that was the end. Bruce and I lost all composure and laughed until we cried.

I think it's safe to say that the moratorium on uttering the word "butt" has ended in our home.

We do try to be good parents though. We told them it was completely inappropriate to say those words at church!

And at school.

And probably on the school bus, too.

But they probably will. And we've probably warped them.

Just pray for us all!


The Richardsons said...

That's so cute. You know the kids have probably heard that song from the movie, "Shrek", also. It's on there.

Tanja said...

We haven't let them see that movie. Mostly because, from my recollection, there are lots of bad manners in there... the sort that involve body functions. And for some reason, my kids think burping... and other, um, gas-y outlets... is hilarious.