Friday, May 8, 2009


The kids have been playing soccer with the Sullivan County Soccer Association this spring. We haven't taken many pictures. Mostly because Bruce is coaching Spencer and Allison's team, while Clay's team plays at the side of the fields the farthest away, where I sit and watch him.

I did take the camera one day and got these.

This Saturday should be interesting. Clay's head coach and substitute coach, who are both excellent at the sport and at coaching, are both going to be absent.

Guess who's filling in.

I was hoping Roy would be there to help, because he is good to give Clay tips on the side of the field. But the Moodys are going to be in Cookeville.

I hope I don't ruin those kids!

Soccer got rained out! I didn't get to make my coacing debut. I'm so relieved!

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