Monday, May 4, 2009

Spring Musical

All three kids were in the church's spring musical this year... and it might be the last. For a while anyway. Clay has successfully passed his desire to quit children's choir onto Spencer. Stinker!

Clay loves to sing. He does a mean rendition of The Jonas Brothers' song "Burnin' Up". Here's a video of the group singing it. It's funny.

Picture Clay singing that very last line. I just need to record him, if he'd let me, because he is spot on! (We're probably going to buy him a CD by this group for his birthday. For mainstream music, they've got a pretty clean image. Momma likes that.)

But Clay does not like singing in front of the congregation. So I think we're going to let them all pass on children's choir next year. And actually, that will mean a nice break for us as well. We have wearied ourselves this year, running the kids to various school, sporting or church events.

Here are a few pictures Bruce made while the kids were doing their final dress rehearsal before last night's performance.

The next two crack me up, because the boys have nearly the same facial expression.

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