Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Can You Feel the Love?

Not that this has any huge relevance to much of anything, other than the fact that I think it was cool.

Spencer called for me to come to the kitchen the other day. He was eating the remaining chips from his lunch that he didn't finish during the day at school.

Here's what he wanted to show me.

It's not every day that you find a potato chip shaped like a heart. He ate it right after I took his picture.

And now for a little bit more love.

Clay made me the sweetest birthday card yesterday. It's probably my favorite card ever.

Here's the front:

I'm not sure what he was thinking when he put that plethora of candles on that cake. I could be insulted, but I'm choosing not to read into it.

The person talking on the front is Bruce. And he's saying, "Let's light the candles." And the other three people are my children. (I'm featured solo on the inside.)

Here's the inside:

I think it's worth noting that my "light" is the only thing he colored on the whole card. Could have been a simple oversight. Or even a lack of time. But I'm choosing TO read into that one.

And here's the back:

That's me holding him. Sweet!

I like this card much better than the one Spencer made for me early in the week. I'm not being mean or preferential either. The picture was lovely. He had drawn each person in our family, quite nicely, too.

But I made him mad later that day when I spanked him for some bad behavior on his part.

Here's where you'll understand why Clay's artwork holds a special place in my heart, but Spencer's gets mentioned more for constructive use of anger.

In his fit of temper, Spencer found his picture and... erased my head off. And then he taunted me by showing me my headless self.

I let it slide. There was so much other bad behavior that day to address. Any more would have taken me past my breaking point.

Yesterday, on my actual birthday, Spencer brought the picture back to me to show me that he had re-drawn my head.

That made me happy.

It's tough to be headless.


~cassie~ said...

I am cracking up...Very creative on his part though...Being headless would make discipline a little tough!! ;)

Pierce Family Happenings said...

Happy Birthday (I know I'm a little late!) I'm glad you are no longer headless! :) How funny! Sounds like you've had a good week!
I saw your hubby in CVS on Monday night buying meds. I hated to stalk him and say "I read Tanja's blog, she's just great, we've not really met IRL, but y'all did give us your sandbox. Oh, and I remember you from high school!" It was tempting :) but it was crowded and I literally had NO voice (brochitis and a sinus infection) so I was really in no shape to humiliate anyone. :) Hope everyone is back on the mend in your home!
Anne :)