Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Beast

Spencer is playing flag football again this year, his second year after taking a year off last year. He really wants to play tackle football. He definitely has the attitude, I'm just not convinced he has the body type. He's a skinny minny. Muscular as can be, but a lightweight for certain.

Next year he can play either flag or tackle football, but I am hoping he'll choose another year of flag before he goes for tackle.

His team is not faring very well. But it's certainly not because of lack of effort on Spencer's part.

This weekend, the game announcer even dubbed Spencer a "defensive beast". And he was. I can't even remember how many flags he pulled off of the opposing team players. But I vividly recall exactly how he looks when it happens.

First, he concentrates.

Then he watches the person with the ball.

He reaches for their flag (he's behind the official, but you can see his hand almost to the flag on the left).

He gets the flag and holds it up like he's a fisherman with his prized catch.

It takes him a couple of seconds to relinquish the flag.

It's really a joy to see, and I'm not even a huge football fan. But he is. So I am. For him.

He also scored at least one touchdown.

But I don't think he knew exactly where he was supposed to stop, because he kept on running well past the area.

Good times!

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