Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My Meez

See my mini-me over there to the left?

I've seen these little characters on blogs belonging to some friends, so I thought I'd try one. However, I am not computer savvy. This becomes more and more apparent to me on a regular basis. I just couldn't get that girl to show up in the right place, be the right size and not be washed out. (Okay, that sounds like a very good description of how I feel about the real me on some days!)

I usually ask Bruce for computer help, but I have discovered the hidden talents of a friend from church. When I ask Bruce for help, one or both of us ends up frustrated because we're on the phone, he's giving directions, I'm following to the best of my ability, (which is rarely to his "computer nerd" satisfaction), but for some reason we're never exactly on the same page.

Now, Nicole... she gets me. She knows I'm not bright in this area of expertise, yet she figures out how to lead me through stuff, and she often does it via e-mail only.

My "meez" girl appears courtesy of Nicole and her computer and communication skills.


Nicole said...

Ah, Tanja! You made me blush! I can totally relate to how you and Bruce interact when it comes to the computer. Most of what I have learned came from my dad...who by the way is extremely impatient and thinks that everyone should 'automatically' have all this computer knowledge! Whatever! I am glad to help you anytime!!

~cassie~ said...

I Love your "mini me". . .Too cute!! Your blog is looking great. . . :)