Friday, November 7, 2008

Delayed Halloween Pictures

One week late...'s how our kids dressed for Halloween. We used no imagination at all this year. All costumes courtesy of Wal-mart, thank you very much.

Never in all your life will you ever see a fireman in any town as handsome as this one.

Who's behind this mask?

Only the most bored superhero ever.

Princess Allison makes her royal presence known. She's known from kingdom to kingdom for her radiant smile.

Will the big, burly, brave fireman let the princess give him a kiss? No. Firemen always play hard to get.

(In retrospect, I'm glad that little display of sibling love never quite happened. Right now, Allison has strep throat for the second time. Right on time, too. It's been a month to the day since the last case.)

Bruce sat them all down on the stairs on our front porch and spent several minutes clicking off pictures. This is the best one of the bunch. For real. Nothing better.

And at the end of the night, dentists across the country had nightmares picturing this very scene.

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