Saturday, April 11, 2009

I'm Lovin' It

I love Spring. Even if I do need Claritin to survive it.

Spring and Fall are my seasons of choice.

Summer is too hot. There's lots of sweat involved. And as far as slipping on a swimsuit goes... yeah, I'd rather be cleaning toilets.

Winter is too cold. There's lots of snow and ice involved. And school cancellations drive me nuts if I have appointments or plans that can't involve the kids.

I'm not a person who loves extremes. Better to go middle-of-the-road. And so, transition seasons are my faves.

These are things that make me smile in Spring.

I have no idea what these flowers are called. I call them Toothbrush flowers, because the blooming part is about the length of a toothbrush.

Our forsythia as its blooms fade and the leaves shoot out.

Creeping phlox, which grows anywhere. I got this started from some I pulled up from my mom's house before she moved back to Germany years ago.

Our red-tip photinias are so pretty right now.

Every year we have a few feathered friends finding homes in our trees. And we get to enjoy peeping into their nests to check on any eggs. We are some crazy Peeping Toms when it comes to our bird buddies. I think this nest is from last year though.

What's your favorite thing about Spring?

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I love spring, too, Tanja!

Happy Easter!