Thursday, April 9, 2009

Pay Cuts and Spencer's Wisdom

Bruce's employer is hacking salaries, which is better news that being laid off, which is just rampant all over right now.

His pay cut is substantial. It's going to make a difference to our family. We're going to need to tighten our financial belt, and I'm not even sure where.

Bruce suggested dropping our subscription to our local newspaper for one idea. And it was the least painful option, so I'd say we'll be doing that soon. But it makes me a little sad, because I still toy with the idea of doing freelance with the local paper at some point. And I like to support newspapers since that was my field before entering Mommy-dom.

We also may cut our telephone land line, which at this point wouldn't hurt at all considering that Bruce already dropped all the cool phone features anyway. And I survived the loss of caller ID. If we do drop the land line, we'll still have our cell phones, and I'll make sure you all have our phone numbers beforehand.

I don't feel the floor dropping out from under me. After we talked for a few minutes, I told Bruce, "You know, it's bad. But it's not the worst. We're going to be fine. I'm just thankful..."

Yes, thankful. Because we have been guided by the Lord this year in some financial decisions that now make sense. Situations that have clearly been labeled with a "no" answer from God. Even if I didn't like hearing it.

Should we purchase that house with the great price tag because it's in foreclosure? No. Can we buy some land and make plans to build then? No.

Should we visit Mom in Germany on our annual vacation? No. How about Disneyworld again, God? No.

Oh, I know, I know. Maybe it's time to trade in our van for a newer model? No. Awww, c'mon! A flat screen TV then? No. A new couch to replace the one the kids have made nearly threadbare? No.

I just really appreciate it when part of God's plan becomes clear.

Now, concerning Spencer.

That little fella is being worked on by the Lord. Oh, he's still full of spit and vinegar. But apologies are coming without prompting and more easily lately. And he's catching himself right at the beginning of a stream of words that are best left unsaid.

It's neat to see.

I took him yesterday to visit the preacher. They talked alone for about 20 minutes. And then they came out and Preacher Roy gave me the low down from his point of view, which coincided with our thoughts exactly.

I actually pulled Spencer out of school for this visit. How else is he going to have solitary time? Plus, with him having a twin, I'm concerned about copy cat behavior from Allison, who hasn't vocalized any great interest in spiritual things yet. Not with any depth anyway.

After I picked Spencer up from school, as we were driving to the church, we had a little conversation about the benefits of school. It started with him saying how he likes school, but he misses me while he's at school.

I told him I missed him, too, and that was all normal, but how cool is it to be learning to read?

Quite cool, he agreed. And then said this: "Because if I couldn't read, then I couldn't read my Bible. And if I couldn't read my Bible, then what would I know?"

I loved that! How does a six-year-old make such profound statements? "If I couldn't read my Bible, then what would I know?"

Continue praying for him.

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