Friday, June 20, 2008

Friends, Food and Fun

Wednesday we joined several friends and their kids for a few hours of fun.

I'm posting this late because I took pictures with my cell phone, which I don't know how to download. I had to have Bruce do it. But I took notes, so I can be a big girl and do it all by myself next time.

I decided at the last minute to join my friends for the day out, despite the laundry that needed to be washed and the camper that needed to be stocked for our trip. Because friends are more important that clean underwear and eating while on vacation.

(Although, I do put clean underwear high on my list of priorities in life. You never know when you might be in an accident and have to go to the ER.)

We started out at the local mall where they are showing free movies for the kids all summer on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.

I got there first with my three kids, then Carolyn arrived with Taylor. Kim had an appointment to keep, so she dropped Grace Katherine off at the theater with us. (Kim's boys are at camp.) Then Amy arrived with Nick and Tyler, Carolyn's son, who had spent the night with Nick. (Amy's older boys are at camp, too.)

We saw this movie.

I was hesitant to take my kids because the online review said the theater version includes more questionable language than the DVD version. However, we went, and we loved it. The language is there, but just a bit, and my kids didn't even notice it - I think because of listening to the accent throughout the whole movie.

By the time in the movie that the boy Angus says, "You're the best friend I've ever had" I was crying like a child.

I have to get a scanner. And scan a particular photo of my older brother when he was a kid. Because that boy who plays Angus, Alex Etel, and my brother are dead ringers!

Freckles and all. (Updated: that picture above is Alex, not my brother. I have to get the picture of Terry from my grandpa's house the next time I visit. Then I'll revisit this post and show you what I mean. Plus, I still need to convince Bruce that I need a scanner.)

After the movie, we met Kim at a locally owned hot dog place downtown called TK's Big Dogs. It was my first time there. Great staff. Super friendly. A little expensive, but worth a visit.

Here's a couple of the pictures I took with my cell phone.

Clay, Nick and Tyler.

Allison, Taylor and Grace Katherine in the back, Spencer in front.

After lunch, Amy and Nick had to leave, but the rest of us walked up the street to the library. We didn't stay for the show they had for the summer reading program. The older kids didn't care for it the last time we watched one of the shows. But they got their stickers for the books they had read. And we turned in several books and checked out several more.

I even checked out a couple of books on CD to listen to while we make the long trek to the Outer Banks in a week.

Then we all went our separate ways. But it was so good to be together while it lasted.

What a great way to spend a Wednesday.

"Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of one's friend springs from his earnest counsel." Proverbs 27:9

"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God." 1 John 4:7


FlipFlop Mom said...

Oh girl... I wish you lived closer to me!! I love your outlook on friendship and dirty laundry!!! Not to many people drop their "drawers"... to take the time for friendship anymore!!! and that frustrates me!!

Your brother is a DEAD and I mean DEAD ringer.. you are right!!!!!

Tanja said...

Hey flipflop! I have often thought it would be great to meet you and hang out, too. :-)

I have to admit, that picture is of the boy from Water Horse. I still have to find and scan (once I get a scanner) the picture of my brother where he looks so much like the boy. I need to go update the blog to make that more clear, huh?

Nicole said...

Very nice Tanja...see you can do all this blog designing after all!! ;) Love it!!

Tanja said...

Nicole, only because I have great friends to guide me! :-)

Melanie said...

I LOVE your new blog design!

Have a great weekend!