I'm ready.
Ready to have my kids separated and out of each other's hair for a few hours a day. My hope is that when they are reunited, they'll appreciate the gift of fellowship with which the Lord has blessed them.
Clay is up in his room, following a fit he has thrown. He is not normally prone to fit pitching, but he just gave me a taste of what he'd be like as a daughter. (Sorry for the gender slam... I'm just telling the truth as it relates to my daughter... and maybe a little bit, me.)
This all started because the kids were playing entirely too quietly, locked in Clay's room. I'm not completely opposed to my children locking their bedroom doors for some peace and quiet. I tend toward being an introvert and appreciate my own solitude, so I am okay with my kids wanting their own.
But all three behind one locked door? No. I'm not up for that. That can only mean they have something to hide.
And they did.
There are precious few things in my home that I hold sacred. Those things are inside a drawer in my kitchen that the kids must ask before opening. Inside the Mommy Drawer are such items as three assorted types of tape, envelopes, a paper cutter, three-ring-hole punch, scissors, address labels, etc.
You get the idea. That drawer holds anything that in a child's eyes could be used creatively, but in mom's eyes, wastefully and messily.
My kiddos have huge portions of MacGyver in their souls. It's scary what they can do with some tape and scissors.
The problem is that they run me out of tape on a regular basis. I'm pretty sure this won't lead to them being involved in a life of crime. And it's not overly expensive to remedy. However, it creates problems when you realize every sticking item in the house is gone at 11:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve and you haven't begun to wrap the first present yet.
We could have tried Extra gum, I suppose. But instead we made a Wal-mart run.
As if we need more visits to Wal-mart in any given week of the year!
I am now the Tape Nazi.

Today, I found my three darlings behind Clay's bedroom door about halfway through a whole roll of two-inch masking tape. I would have given them the entire roll if they'd asked because I don't use masking tape often. However, they "forgot" to ask.
Forgot? Really? Then why the locked door?
They're sneaky. But I wasn't born a mommy just yesterday.
I took the tape away and told them to remember to ask for it tomorrow and they could have the rest of the tape for their crafty creations.
Clay blew like Mount Vesuvius and blamed Spencer, as he often does when he shares the responsibility.
Ranting and raving ensued. I let him vent, but gave him some chores to help burn off some steam.
He finished the chores but was still boiling, so I sat down with him to talk rationally. With Clay, this works nearly 98 percent of the time. He easily understands the concept of reason.
Not today. After about five minutes of wheel spinning on my part, he was still mad and still directing his anger solely at Spencer.
I sent him to his room. To sit on his bed. To think.
And he can't come out until he can tell me one nice thing about Spencer.
He's been up there awhile now.
Forty-eight days.
Oh. Wait! No, Clay hasn't been up there that long.
I just checked the calendar. That's how many days until school starts.
That's not so long.
(My nervous giggle and ticks are probably going to become obvious in public soon. You've been warned.)
In the meantime, I think I've found my own uses for tape.

1 comment:
I stumbled onto this hilarious post after coming by your site for WFW...Thansk for a good giggle this morning...hang in there Mom!
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