I saw this Mommy Quiz on KC's blog.
It's actually a pretty serious little quiz. I'd say this is mostly true of me, but not entirely.
Your type is: ISTP —The “Give 'Em Their Space” Mother
“My feelings are my own business. Not theirs. So I honor their privacy too.”
Non-intrusive and respectful of differences, the ISTP mother gives her children the personal space they need to develop as separate, self-sufficient individuals. As children grow and mature, she enjoys observing how each one becomes his or her own person. She seeks to accept and honor each child’s interests, opinions, and choices.
The ISTP mother does not believe in authority or control for its own sake. Instead, she favors a non-directive approach. Yet she has high expectations for each child’s self-discipline as a key to self sufficiency.
To these ends, the ISTP mother wants to “be there” for her children—to meet their basic needs and keep them safe. Her goal is to help her children think for themselves and take responsibility for their own actions.
Kind of interesting.

You know that a few beauty secrets aren't a big deal, as long as you look good.
How fake are you? Go here to take the quiz and find out.
Now, for the kicker. KC did it; you can, too. This site is asking you to Blog Your Face. In BM mode and AM mode... that would be Before Make-up and After Make-up. And you're supposed to list your beauty care products, and link to their site, too, for a chance to win some good stuff by Burt's Bees.
Now, I would do this, but it would be boring. I'm not sure that listing petroleum jelly for dry skin or Carmex for chapped lips is really going to clue anyone in on some really kickin' new beauty product.
I just don't wear make-up often enough for a "before" and "after" to be noteworthy. In fact, thanks to pregnancy-induced skin allergies, I probably have worn make-up fewer than 30 times in the last eight years. I'm willing to put up with an itching face for only a couple of things... family pictures and date nights with Bruce. Although, I think I remember wearing make-up to church a time or two since Clay was born.
Anyway, I dare you.
Don't you just skip off here like you didn't hear me (see me?). I double dare you.
Fine, I can see you are the kind who resists peer pressure. I'll skip right to the big guns... I triple dog dare you.
What are you... chicken? (Where are the clucking sound effects when you need them?!)
Comment if you accept my challenge (taunt!).
LOL LOL, your challenge made me giggle.. your too funny. My mom has the same trouble with make up so she never wears it either, maybe a little lipstick when she is dressing up for something but other then that nothing. I don't wear it every day either. but I do wear it about 3 or 4 times a week, the days I don't wear it is because I'm just lazy like that LOL.
Thanks for playing along in the quizes those were fun to read your answers.. and Thank you for the linky love.
LOL! Too fun. Thanks for the shout-out and the challenge. :-)
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