Monday, June 2, 2008

Niger Mission Trip

Please say a prayer for five people from our church who leave today for Niger to do mission work with the Songhai people.

The five people are:
-- Matt B.
-- Gabe S.
-- Gomer W.
-- Chad S.
-- Aubrey W.

Gabe is the youngest person going. He's in the 9th grade, and he's felt God's calling on his life for a couple years now.

Bruce and I taught Gabe's Sunday school class when he was our Clay's age... second grade. I have a special place in my heart for that boy. Right now Gabe's younger sister, Kendrick, is in the 7th-8th grade girls' class that I co-teach. They come from a sweet family. I can't imagine what faith it must take for Gabe's momma to let him go on this trip.

Matt and Chad are college students. Gomer is an adult. And I don't know Aubrey.

They'll be gone for two weeks, I think. I can't wait to hear what stories they'll have to tell when they return!

Thanks for your prayers.


Cheryl said...

They are really young. I know God will bless them for their sacrifice. It has got to be so hard on a Mom to let her young ones go away. I know you will be a good prayer warrior for them while they are gone.

Melissa in Mel's World said...

How awesome that you guys have been able to be a part of Gabe's life...will be praying for them all!

Fran said...

Well, that is just beautiful. And, I'm praying for them all. Can't imagine how God will be at work these 2 weeks. Praising Him in advance!


Unknown said...

well good luck to them and if you can give them this advice
here is a website