But as he was cleaning up his scraps, he must have felt like he hadn't done enough with wood and nails. So he built the kids a bike ramp.
And now they all think they are stunt doubles.

The pictures aren't all that great, but you get the idea. They love that ramp. And daddy was king for a day!

That is a neat gift to a child! My kids loved things like that. Hope you have a great week. God Bless~
I did all that crazy stuff when I was little. I was such a tom boy. I guess that's why the good Lord above gave me boys!!! He knew I could hang right in there with them on those bike stunts!
Cool! I'd be freakin' out with my kids using a ramp, but then again mine all still have training wheels! LOL! Enjoy your deck. I'm hoping next summer we can replace/fix ours as it's looking kinda shabby at the moment! :D
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