Sunday, June 22, 2008

Lintball Leo

I bought a great book for Clay when he had his birthday, and he just finished it.

I had to share it with you, because it has generated so much good discussion with me and my boy. And I know several of you have boys near Clay's age.

Here's the book.

"Lintball Leo's Not-So-Stupid Questions About Your Body" by Dr. Walt Larimore.

It's for boys only (even says so on the front cover!), ages 8-12. Dr. Larimore, the author, is vice-president of medical outreach at Focus on the Family, so I trusted this book. I skimmed it while at Lifeway, though, to see what subjects were covered.

Here are some of the chapters:
- I'm Not Liking My Body
- I'm So Mad I Could...
- Hair: Up Here, and Down There
- What's That Smell and What Are Those Zits Doing Here?
- The "M" Word (You'll have to guess what that's about. Seinfeld did an episode on this, if that helps. I didn't see it though so maybe it doesn't, but I have to draw the line somewhere with what words I can actually make myself type for this blog. Line drawn here.)
- Why Did God say "Wait!"?

It's a cute book, with Lintball Leo being a piece of talking lint that the boy character, Steve, has picked out of his bellybutton. Sounds gross, I know, but the book is written for young boys, so gross is not only okay in this case, but also probably highly desirable for the intended audience.

Clay read the book in a few days. And he has asked several questions and regurgitated lots of info that might be embarrassing if I let it hit me too deep. But I try to respond above my gut level.

My son has asked me when he'll have armpit hair and how much he'll have. He's asked me about pimples and what to do to keep them away. We even talked about how much sleep his body needs as it grows into a young man.

I have to admit, I read every word on the chapter about the M word. I wanted to double check all the info to see if I approved.

It was handled great. The best part was at the end. I'm going to quote it. The first bit is Lintball Leo talking; then Steve replies.

"'I love being your friend and advisor, but God has also given two other men to guide and teach you. One is your dad and the other is your pastor or youth pastor. I'd encourage you to talk to them about these kinds of things. Be sure that they are all right with what I'm telling you. OK?'

'Yeah,' replied Steve. 'I guess it's time for me to spend some time with my dad.'"

I love that these issues are laid at the doorstep of dads. Up until now, most of the sex ed stuff has been my realm, because I'm home more. But that will shift in the next few years as my boys grow into young men.

I have to admit, though, I'd love to be a fly on the wall if my son were ever to approach our pastor with these questions.

Ummm, maybe not. Some things are just best kept between men.


Anonymous said...

sounds like a great book. I may have to check into that one b/c my dd is getting close to starting some of those questions and i'm sure in the next year or so we'll be in full force of some of the stuff! ack!

Fran said...

LOVE IT!! Did you get it at Lifeway or somewhere similar?? Or should I order it online??
Thanks for the advice and recommendation. :)

FlipFlop Mom said...

I am BYUING THIS BOOK!!! SOLD!!! Tell me where to buy!!! my son is going to be 13 in August.. and I feel he is starting to change NOW.. moody.. tired.. crying... I feel for him.. he's been affected it seems more so than my daughter did!!

Tanja said...

Yep, I got the book at our local Lifeway, but I'm sure you could find it online as well. I just like to use every excuse I can to visit Lifeway. :-)

FlipFlop Mom said...

Oh.. I have something for you on my blog.. go peek!!

Unknown said...

This made me remember the time I had to sit down and have "the talk" with my son. I think my phone rang about a hundred times that day, so that I had to drag it out forever. My brother called, and asked me what I was doing. I said, "I'm talking to Seth about the birds and the bees. Do you want to come over here and do it for me?" He hung up.

Nicole said...

I am SO getting it for Davis!!!!

Unknown said...

I just found your blog (not even sure how! ) But, I have this book too. I have four boys (and one lone little girl) and this book is wonderful for opening up the doors of communication and explaining things in a way that boys will "get". Thanks for sharing! :) Love your blog!

Unknown said...

I just found your blog (not even sure how! ) But, I have this book too. I have four boys (and one lone little girl) and this book is wonderful for opening up the doors of communication and explaining things in a way that boys will "get". Thanks for sharing! :) Love your blog!