Saturday, June 7, 2008

Saturday Singing - Cry Out

I think Third Day is one of the best bands out there. I've been singing along to their music on the radio for years.

But I never bought an album of theirs until this song came out.

I tear up by the second chorus every time and can't even sing along.

And for the record, I've already pre-ordered their next album, "Revelation" that isn't due to be released until the end of July. Again, just because of that new song that's out right now... "Call My Name". They're so good!

For more, Then Sings My Soul Saturday, go here.


Mocha with Linda said...

That's a great song!

Darlene said...

I really like Third Day. The song and video is awesome. I just noticed the picture of Dixie. We had a dog that lookes just like that. His name was Scooby Doo. I really miss him. He guarded our home and was an awesome pet!

Have a great weekend!

Christina said...

This is a neat video.

I'm glad to hear that Third Day is coming out with a new album.

sharon brobst said...

The first time I heard this song a yong girl with a beautiful voice and spirit sung it in church...I cried ... it's such a beautiful song....

Melissa in Mel's World said...

I would completely agree...THIRD DAY ROCKS!!! We took our kids to "Beach Fest" with Luis Palau a couple of years ago and were able to stand front row on the beach and watch THIRD DAY!

It was incredible and truly an amazing worship experience for our entire family. We will never forget how they ministered to us that night.

Andrea @ Mommy said...

I love this song! It's so good to hear the message to "cry out" to Jesus - He does want to hear us!!! Thanks for sharing :-)