Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I am not a fiscally wise individual. My hubby is though. And because he is, he's been leading Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University at our church for the last month.

In that time, he and I have developed our first "in print," working budget, which required some tweaking of our finances. We've tried a modified version of the envelope system and found that not only will it work for us, but also that it'll save us some dough. And we've determined that our next family trip to Germany to visit my mom will not happen the year we had planned, but later.

I'm trying to take a greater interest in economics, finances, money, etc. It's hard for me because I'm not a numbers person. I do better with letters, which form words, which explain things in a language I can understand.

Today's paper had a couple things in it that even I can grasp.

The first is a Cal Thomas column. I like Cal Thomas, and love the point of this article, which is that ultimately many of our country's economic woes are self-inflicted by individuals. It's true. We're a fiscally irresponsible group of folks.

The second was the following Non Sequitur cartoon by Wiley Miller.


Miss French Jessica said...

Love the cartoon! It so well depicts what's wrong with us in North America today. We depend too much on credit and the "have it now!" mentality. Congrats on tweaking your budget! I remember starting down this road last year and it was so scarey. Money came into our account and left so fast it made my head spin. We tweaked our envelope system as well to make it work for our lives. We've paid off some debt (have farther to go, but we'll get there!) and amazingly, I don't miss the things I thought I'd miss. Money gives you freedom; credit does not no matter how hard the cc companies try to sell that idea.

Cheryl said...

What a great post. A couple at our church gave my son a Dave Ramsey book for graduation. I think I will get that out and read it. Sounds interesting. I really need to do something about my finances. Thanks for the information. Have a wonderful week girl!!! God Bless~

Jennifer said...

Ever since Michael and I decided that I needed to be home with our kids we have been on a budget.
When we first made the decision that I would quit my job...Jarrett was 2. It was a very scary decision..financially for us.
It goes without saying...that we did alot of praying before and after our decision.
When I first began my journey as a stay home Mommy...each time we would do our budget...on paper, it never worked out. But, every month we made it and had a LITTLE $$ left over. God is so good when we are faithful in OUR giving.
My career was in finance. I still doubt my thinking sometimes.
Since the FPU started..we have become even more frugal with our money. We aren't taking the class (although I have read the book), but just hearing everyone talking about how wonderful it is...it's rubbed off on us. So, we have tightened up another notch on our belt. It's easy to get off track..doing and buying things that in reality you don't really need.

Wow...I wrote a book AGAIN. It seems like anytime I leave you a comment I write a book.

BTW...I liked that cartoon. Very funny!

Rebecca said...

Our whole crew is hooting at the cartoon!

We've used the envelope system before and had great success with it. Now we just pray a lot! ;^) God is always faithful!!!