Monday, March 3, 2008

Five Kind Things

I saw this on someone else's blog and thought I'd just thieve it. I don't feel the need to be tagged if something is good enough to just, um, borrow.

It's a Five Kind Things meme (and if anyone knows exactly what that means, please be kind and leave a comment explaining it to me. I'm clueless.)

Here are the rules:
List five kind things you do or have done:
A) for yourself,
B) for your spouse, child or closest friend AND
C) for a stranger.
Then tag some other blogging buddies to do the same.

I'm all about being kind (usually), so I love this idea. Here goes:

Five kind things I do for myself:
1) I'm involved in Bible Study Fellowship, which has grown me immensely as a Christian (check it out at
2) I take my medications and keep all annual doctor appointments.
3) I make friends who are keepers. Anyone else is just a good acquaintance.
4) I protect my marriage by not keeping secrets and by staying out of compromising situations (or even situations that might appear compromising to others).
5) I read a lot, and I write. Two things that keep me mentally stable (as much as possible anyway).

Five kind things I do for my husband, kids, or close friends:
1) I'm honest. Always.
2) I pray for them.
3) I tell them often that I love them. Even if they already know it. Because sometimes those words just have to be said out loud.
4) I take family vacations to the beach, because they love it. Even though I'd rather be hiking in the mountains. Or skiing in snow. Or just about anything else other than sitting in a bathing suit, sweating just enough to make sure that sand sticks to every square inch of my skin, and freaking about the possibility that one of my kids will actually go in the ocean and get sucked out to sea.
5) I make them laugh as much as I can, even when life stinks and it appears as if there's nothing to laugh about.

Five kind things I have done for a stranger:
1) Prayed.
2) Bought Christmas gifts.
3) Donated food, clothing, furniture, money, etc.
4) Opened doors when their hands are full.
5) Sponsored a child (

Now, I tag the following people: Nicole, Cassie, Kristie.


Nicole said...

Wow this is going to take some thought!! Thanks for tagging me...I will get right on it!

~cassie~ said...

I got a little carried away, Tanja...typical for me...anyway..I did it...Enjoy...