Thursday, May 29, 2008

Let's Get Political

Here is a perfect illustration of why I am an overprotective parent... and not one bit ashamed of it. God entrusted me with our precious three, knowing well my nature. I'm pretty positive He's okay with me being overly protective.

I was listening to a Focus on the Family broadcast Wednesday evening as I drove home from registering the kids for the summer reading program. Go here to read a story that explains what it's about.

I am not an overly political person, but I think I ought to be. Especially after hearing this. This is happening in Colorado, but we are being ostriches with our heads in the sand if we think other states are exempt. Maybe for now, but not likely permanently.

You can also go here to listen. (After about three and a half minutes, the news switches to a pretty tough report to hear. Don't listen to any of this with your kids around.)

Back to the legislation that will likely pass in Colorado. Dr. James Dobson said something that I thought was so good, but it's not in either of the links I put up. I'll very loosely paraphrase about an incident that happened to him to get across his point.

Have you ever accidentally walked into a bathroom of the gender opposite from yours? Dr. Dobson shared about a time when he, as a young teen, walked into a girl's bathroom on accident. He said as he walked out, red-faced and embarrassed, the girls in the bathroom were saying, "You are going to get in trouble."

That's a normal response. But this legislation, if it passes, will rob our children of that normalcy. Because, for them, there will be no black and white in a matter as simple as what bathroom belongs to whom.

And how challenging will it be for us parents, whose charge it is to keep our children as pure as possible in this corrupt world, to explain to our six-year-old daughter why a man in a dress is in the women's bathroom?

Here is my challenge to you. If you, as a Christian, are not a registered voter, change that right now. Because those who are anti-Christianity are bold. If we don't match them in our boldness, what kind of society do we expect to hand to our children?

These are vile issues. But we can't ignore them.

We've already tried that approach. It's obviously not really working for the cause of Christ.


bp said...

I need to listen to this. I always enjoy listening online. I get the daily digest to tell me what is on each day, I didn't listen to it yet though.

Cheryl said...

Oh my goodness! What on earth is happening to our world?? I am sick about this bathroom thing! It is so crazy! Thanks so much for your prayers my friend!! I got your books and I am looking forward to reading them this weekend girl! Thanks again!