Ohh, today I'm so thankful I could sing.
And you just be thankful that in this little slice of cyber world you won't be forced to endure listening.
Earlier this week, Bruce sold his truck. I should say, his old truck, which is actually newer than the truck he most recently bought several months back and is currently driving. Is that as clear as Kansas during a dust bowl?
You see, a year ago we decided to dive right into debt by getting a camper. We considered it for a year prior to the actual purchase. Much research went into which one we wanted/could afford. We got a great deal. Our camper looked brand new because it was repossessed, but we didn't have to pay a "brand new" price.
We've enjoyed that camper as much as possible in the last year. However, if you know guys... scratch that. I don't want to be so general here. If you know my husband, you'll know that he likes to "trade up" on a regular basis. Thankfully, this trait isn't one that creeps into the wife realm, just all things with some form of power source. (Wait a minute! I'm a Christian. I got a Power Source!! But I'm getting off on a tangent and I'm really trying to be a more focused person. It's not working for me too well.)
Anyway, our Ford F-150 towed that lightweight camper okay. But, in Bruce World, "okay" soon loses its luster and an upgrade becomes necessary. (I am not being ugly when I say this about my husband. I'm poking fun. I'm just not sure that comes across accurately via text, so I thought I would be specific.)
How convenient that shortly after the "trade up" bug hit Bruce, a co-worker put his older, but more powerful, Ford F-250 up for sale. And Bruce's great pitch to me was that in the long run, we wouldn't be out any money. Because our newer F-150 would sell for nearly the same amount we would put down for the F-250.
And that was true.
But here we are MONTHS later... and that F-150 just sold earlier this week.
The shock waves from our falling debt hit way over in Nashville, very near Dave Ramsey's headquarters. I think he knows. I think he's smiling.
I know I am.
"The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender."
Proverbs 22:7
Congrats on selling the truck! That's got to be a ton (or is it a half ton?) off your mind :)
What a relief, huh? Praise the Lord for that. Thanks for sharing.
Such a nice blessing, thanks for sharing.
thanks for sharing your wonderful list of TT. God bless! =)
Yea for selling the truck!
This is my first time to visit your site and I think I'll be back soon. I read thru several posts and really enjoyed myself. You have a wondeful way of telling a story and making me laugh all the way through!
Happy Thankful Thursday!
Great TT. Sounds like you really enjoy your husband. Thanks for sharing.
That was cool! Glad you could share it with us.
Wow! great list. I know you are excited about selling the truck! Thanks for sharing.
Have a great weekend!
I am so glad to read that you have sold your truck. It must be such a great relief for you.
Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us.
Be blessed today and always...
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